Return to The Book
During my early years as a follower of Jesus (between 1968-72), I settled one of the biggest questions of life: What will be my authority for truth and goodness?”
Answer: The Bible (The Book)
It became my moral compass for living, the only absolute source of wisdom about God and reality. Today you might liken the Bible to a GPS for a successful life and eternity.
And following the recent election, Bibles are flying off the shelves.
Is it your “Book of books?”
Giving Thanks for an American Awakening
Though Christmas is upon us, I’m still full of “Thanksgiving” for an American awakening taking place across our land.
I know Kamala Harris received 74 million votes in the past election. The nation is divided. And most elections don’t portend that revival is taking place.
But many thoughtful voices believe a cultural turning is happening in the United States that could become a full-blown awakening (as happened in the 18th and 19th centuries).
Be encouraged–and continue to pray.
The Heart of Thanksgiving
I appreciate reality more than fantasy–actual history compared to fictional stories. That’s why Shirley and I love “God-wink” movies. They tell an amazing story with actors and special effects, then at the end of the flick, show photos of the “real people” that inspired the movie.
There is something about a real struggle and the lessons learned that reaches our inner being and shouts, “that can be you too.”
During this special week when the United States uniquely celebrates Thanksgiving, I want to share two true stories to enlarge your grateful heart. Both are a testament that thankfulness is often forged in the furnace of affliction.
It is suffering that produces the heart of Thanksgiving.