The Killing Party
Most members of my family were proud Democrats for generations. They revered FDR, thought the Democratic Party cared more for working people, and stood out as the party of “compassion.
Then the party left us. In the 2020’s, the Dems have radically changed into the party of Big Business, Leftist policies, runaway inflation, and against the good of the people.
And in the 2024 elections, the Democrats appear to be are running on one primary issue.
Killing innocent babies (abortion).
The Democratic Party is now the killing party.
Destroying the Foundations: Tyranny (Force)
The Bible is clear that the destroyer in our world is Satan and his demons (John 10:10, Revelation 9:11). His main vehicle for destruction is force, which is human tyranny in many forms.
The most obvious method of destruction is unjust war–such as religiously-tyrannical Iran firing 300 missiles at the sovereign state of Israel last weekend. Thank God that through the prayers of millions, Israeli defense, and the support of other nations, little damage was done.
It was a grim reminder that evil tyranny is alive and well. And it’s not just afflicting Israel.
A spirit of tyranny (force) is also rising in America to destroy our godly foundations.
Destroying the Foundations–Censorship
In coming months, outside of seasonal topics and breaking news, I want to share my concerns about the erosion of biblical principles in the Western World.
We are rapidly losing our Bible-based foundations through an onslaught of evil from the demonic world, an increasingly ignorant populace, and a sleepy, backslidden Church.
Russ Walton and Verna Hall pointed me to Psalm 11:3 a generation ago:
“If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?”
Good question.
Let’s start with some thoughts on growing censorship in our world. Read More