Jesus and the Power Domains

If you’re like me, you might find it difficult at times to stay positive and balanced while gazing at the precipitous decline of Western and American culture around you.

Watching the news is depressing. Evil forces have been unleashed in our world (through human choices) to destroy people and nations from within. It wouldn’t take much for nuclear bombs and cyber attacks to strike from outside.

How do we stay faith full while watching the deterioration around us?

Here’s a helpful perspective on Jesus and the Power Domains.

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Another Prophet Falls

I was planning on writing an article this week on a major moral issue. To expound it from different sources, I copied a television monologue from Tucker Carlson to encourage you to watch because of its brilliance and clarity.

That topic will be postponed for another day. 

Tucker Carlson was released from Fox News on Monday morning, April 24, sending shockwaves through the media world and nation.

Here’s my perspective on the fall of an American prophet.

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Progressing Towards Communism

The word “progressive” now used in American politics sounds positive–like taking wonderful steps towards human virtue and prosperity.

But 21st century progressive politics has divided the USA, destroyed the American family, defunded the police, created an open border, brought sexual and gender confusion, accelerated violence in the cities, and created generational despair.

These consequences, and many others, are anything but progressive–they’re regressive in every way.

We’re only progressing towards communism.

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