Turning the World Right Side Up

The shock and awe changes the Trump administration is bringing to the USA/world is nothing less than breathtaking. Donald Trump has accomplished more in a month than most presidents accomplish in four-to-eight years.

I’ve never seen anything like it in 54 years as a voter.

The American people are behind him 50-55% in most polls (much higher than he polled in term one) and Rasmussen Reports that their Presidential Approval Roundup shows a majority of Americans believe the country is now on the “right track” for the first time in two decades.

President Trump believes he has been spared by God to renew the American nation.    

That belief is turning the world right side up.

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Donald Trump and the Heroes of the New American Revolution

We shed a few tears while watching Monday’s inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. He is only the second chief executive in our history to serve two non-consecutive terms.

The first was Grover Cleveland who led the nation 1885-89 and and 1893-97. Upon leaving the White House the first time, his wife Francis remarked, “We are coming back four years from today.

She was right–but Cleveland’s second term did not fair well.

There is greater optimism for Donald’s Trump return. He successfully achieved the greatest political comeback in U.S. history against a hostile media and government lawfare against him. It was an amazing accomplishment.

But there are many other heroes behind this new American Revolution.

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My View of the World 2025

A new calendar year is upon us, the “Year of our Lord 2025.”

My wife reminded me this morning that it’s hard to believe “Y2K” was 25 years ago. I told her that was because of “OA” (Old Age) with the clock spinning faster than when we were young.

I like to begin each year with my view of the world–what God is doing–and how we can be a part of it. Our lives are never bigger than our vision. What do you see in 2025 for the planet of “God’s visitation” (Earth). What is God up to and how can we join his plans?

Here are my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours.

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