My View of the World 2025

A new calendar year is upon us, the “Year of our Lord 2025.”

My wife reminded me this morning that it’s hard to believe “Y2K” was 25 years ago. I told her that was because of “OA” (Old Age) with the clock spinning faster than when we were young.

I like to begin each year with my view of the world–what God is doing–and how we can be a part of it. Our lives are never bigger than our vision. What do you see in 2025 for the planet of “God’s visitation” (Earth). What is God up to and how can we join his plans?

Here are my thoughts. I’d love to hear yours.

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Giving Thanks for an American Awakening

Though Christmas is upon us, I’m still full of “Thanksgiving” for an American awakening taking place across our land.

I know Kamala Harris received 74 million votes in the past election. The nation is divided. And most elections don’t portend that revival is taking place.

But many thoughtful voices believe a cultural turning is happening in the United States that could become a full-blown awakening (as happened in the 18th and 19th centuries). 

Be encouraged–and continue to pray.

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Hating Politics But Loving Citizenship

In less than two weeks, the United States will hold elections that could determine the fate of the Western World and its own future. Not hype, just prophetic warning. 

I wrote last week about Western Civilization and the demonic attempt to topple it. One strategy of destroying free nations is to sour people on “politics”–even get them to hate it–and discourage them from participating. There’s a better way.

It’s okay to hate politics as long as you love citizenship and do your duty.

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