The Anarchist

I was enjoying my daily Bible reading recently when one little word made a light bulb of thoughts explode in my mind.

This word has been prominent in the media for weeks to describe the looting, burning and defacing of statutes taking place across the United States. It’s been going on in the lawless city of Portland, Oregon for the past forty-five days.

I was expecting another term in my reading–and that’s what surprised me. I anticipated “anti-Christ” which conjures up visions of an evil world dictator or the “opposite” of Jesus Christ. 

Now I’m reminded what the “opposite of Jesus” entails.

The Anarchist.

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Why I Love America–and Will Stand Up for Her Freedom

I’d like to continue the Fourth of July memory this week with some personal thoughts about the United States.

It’s been my privilege to study in-depth many founding documents of our nation and to teach that subject for years. I gleaned my historical understanding from primary sources through many gifted researchers, authors, and communicators from different racial and social backgrounds.

It’s natural for human beings to love and study their family, church, ethnicity, vocational and country heritage–despite the flaws.

Here’s why I love America–and will stand up for her freedom.

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Back to Eden–Walks and Work

As the world loosens-up from the corona virus lock down (some states quickly and others more slowly), my thoughts return to the Garden of Eden. Maybe it’s an escape of sorts, but I think God is using this season of angst to take us back to our roots.

I know most of us view the Covid-19 pandemic more as an attack from hell than a return to paradise. But, bear with me for a moment. Tough times tend to bring us back to the basics.

A couple of them stand out in the ancient world of Adam and Eve. Our ancestors enjoyed two primary activities in the birthplace of humanity:

Walks and work.

We would be wise to revive them.

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