Fifty Years as a Disciple of Jesus – 1972-2022
For many decades I have used December to organize my life, plan and pray about the coming year, and set goals for God’s remaining “assignments” in my life.
Every year I create a list called “My Numbered Days” (Psalm 90:12) to fine-tune God’s priorities for the next twelve months. Then, I put those items in the front of my Prayer Diary and refer to it often.
This habit comes from a commitment to discipleship–living as a disciplined follower of Jesus for the days he gives me on earth.
2022 is a special year of discipleship for me. Here’s why.
We Must Revive the Triune Role of the Church on Earth
I was listening recently to a news anchor lament people leaving the Catholic Church. His theory about the exodus? The priests giving boring sermons that didn’t relate to people’s lives.
He’s right. Many church gatherings are routine, messages put people to sleep, and they lack a “God encounter” that excites and changes a person’s life.
But there’s more to it. The people of God–the Church–has at least three distinct roles to play in human life and culture. When any of them is missing or unclear, people wander from the faith and God’s work is diminished.
We must revive the triune role of the Church on earth.
My View of the World 2021
I have written over 500 blogs since 2008. Most years I use the first week to share “My View of the World” to stimulate both your thinking and actions.
This piece may be the most important one I have ever written.
I believe the United States and the Western World have reached a possible tipping point of which there could be no return. Two negative and positive scenarios stare us in the face.
But, let not your heart be troubled (John 14:1). God is guiding history.
Here is my view of the world in 2021.