The Quiet Revival
From the 1790’s to the 1850’s, camp-meeting revivals sprang up in Kentucky, Tennessee and other places in the newly formed United States of America. These gatherings brought thousands of people together to pray, worship, and hear passionate sermons–often delivered by itinerant pastors atop tree stumps.
What historians would later call the “Second Great Awakening” saw great demonstrations of emotion and religious fervor as thousands co-mingled in the teeming fields of faith. My home church (the Restoration Movement) which was born during those days.
That revival was loud and demonstrable.
Today, another spiritual renewal is visiting America and the world–because of a virus. It’s different than the camp-meeting variety.
Let’s call it the Quiet Revival.
If You Pray Upon a Star
Is there any doubt that Hollywood, for the past three generations, has strongly influenced the morals of the West as well as the entire world?
Both films and their stars have used the power of media-story-telling to encourage sex outside of marriage, promote numerous progressive causes and generally turn Western culture away from faith and purity to secular relativism in all its forms.
But people have been praying for Hollywood–and it appears that God is moving.
If you pray upon a star.
Got Your Assignments?
For many years I’ve used the Christmas holidays to reflect on the past year, ask God for marching orders for the coming one, and then commit to accomplish them–by his grace and strength
I’ve got my assignments for 2019.
Do you have yours?