We Need A Revival In Education
I have closely followed the pro-Hamas demonstrations on college campuses in the U. S. and around the world the past few weeks. I’ve taught in many YWAM schools worldwide and serve as a professor at Faith International University in Tacoma, Washington. (FIU houses the only seminary in the state of Washington.)
In all the schools in which I’ve been privileged to speak. I’ve never witnessed law-breaking demonstrations of any type. Judeo-Christian-based professors and students try to move in the “opposite spirit” during times of tension. That includes intercessory prayer and promoting reconciliation and healing among opposing viewpoints.
I will share my thoughts on the protests next week. First, let’s ponder what has happened in education to spawn the current chaos.
Destroying the Foundations: Tyranny (Force)
The Bible is clear that the destroyer in our world is Satan and his demons (John 10:10, Revelation 9:11). His main vehicle for destruction is force, which is human tyranny in many forms.
The most obvious method of destruction is unjust war–such as religiously-tyrannical Iran firing 300 missiles at the sovereign state of Israel last weekend. Thank God that through the prayers of millions, Israeli defense, and the support of other nations, little damage was done.
It was a grim reminder that evil tyranny is alive and well. And it’s not just afflicting Israel.
A spirit of tyranny (force) is also rising in America to destroy our godly foundations.
Why the Resurrection is the Greatest Event in History
There are many events that impacted history over the past six thousand years. (Creation scientists calculate 4128 B.C. for the earth’s birthday.)
Some of those events were disastrous. Others changed the world for good (in varying degrees).
One could easily make the argument that Good Friday–when Jesus died for the sins of the world–stands out as the greatest event in history.
But I still believe the resurrection tops the list.
Here’s why.