How The Coming of Jesus Christ Changed the World

As you enjoy the Christmas week, I’d like to inspire you with the truth of how the birth of Jesus Christ changed the world. This particular blog is the most reprinted one I’ve ever penned.

Following is a condensed version of “Twelve Ways Jesus Christ Changed the World.

Enjoy–and Merry Christmas.

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The Incomparable Jesus

One week from today we will halt our busy schedules and remember the birthday of Jesus. It is celebrated by more people around the globe than any other holiday. Why?

Because no greater person ever walked the earth than Jesus Christ.

For the next two weeks I will re-publish the most widely read blogs I have ever written. They’re important because they focus on the one person who’s most crucial to our lives–both here on earth and also after we die.

He is “the Way” in both realms.

Let’s worship the incomparable Jesus.

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Return to The Book

During my early years as a follower of Jesus (between 1968-72), I settled one of the biggest questions of life: What will be my authority for truth and goodness?” 

Answer: The Bible (The Book)

It became my moral compass for living, the only absolute source of wisdom about God and reality. Today you might liken the Bible to a GPS for a successful life and eternity.

And following the recent election, Bibles are flying off the shelves.

Is it your “Book of books?”

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