Destroying the Foundations–Censorship

In coming months, outside of seasonal topics and breaking news, I want to share my concerns about the erosion of biblical principles in the Western World.   We are rapidly losing our Bible-based foundations through an onslaught of evil from the demonic world, an increasingly ignorant populace, and a sleepy, backslidden Church.  Russ Walton and Verna…

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Prophetic Perspective on The West – Ben Shapiro

I have kept a personal diary since 1972. A year ago I turned it into an autobiography called One Small Life: Revival Adventures From My Fifty Year Journal. While writing and arranging the book, it seemed like an interesting idea to make a “Life Calendar” of the most important events and decisions I’d made over a…

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Destroying the Foundations: The Deception of “Saving Democracy”

Let’s finish a trilogy I started a few weeks ago on “Destroying the Foundations.” Evil, satanic-inspired, destruction is currently being unleashed in the USA and other parts of the globe. Biblical foundations of faith, family, sex, gender, and law & order are being trampled in our nation with alarming social consequences–a potential collapse of Judeo-Christian…

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